Beginners Skydiving in Cape Town

There is nothing to take the load off a tough week than the exhilarating feel of skydiving. And if you are Capetonian and looking what you can do, then being a part of beginners skydiving in Cape Town is something you should seriously consider.

Being a beginner is scary at the best of times, irrespective of what you may be looking at getting yourself into. And while skydiving poses a serious “butterfly-rush” that could you leave you terrified, there is no real need to worry.

Why, you might ask? Well there are several organizations in Cape Town that go the distance when it comes to teaching beginners all they need to know about skydiving.

Below you will find out which are the best organisations to consider, ones that will take you seriously and will ensure you are safe at all times and go on to really enjoy the sport of skydiving. It does not matter whether you want to jump once, or take it seriously as a career.


  • www.skydivecapetown.co.za
    • This is a serious outfit of consummate professionals, that do all they can to offer the best student experience
    • They offer 2 courses, namely:
  • Tandem offers you the peace of mind of not having to be too concerned about your gear, because you will be attached to a very experienced skydiving professional. Once you jump out of the aircraft, you can acclimatize, take in the view and really enjoy seeing the world from an incredible height as you move towards it. At a certain distance above the ground, the skydiving professional will pull the cord and the parachute will open and you will glide safely to the ground.
  • Static Line Jump is for those who are looking to be more than beginners skydiving on Cape Town. However, training of up to 8 hours is provided before you jump out of the aircraft. Once you have received the training, you will jump out of the aircraft, and your parachute will automatically open, because it is attached to a line that is linked with the aircraft. Because you are not jumping rom a large height, you will then glide safely to the ground. You will repeat this several times before you jump out on your own. When you finally do, you will jump with a professional who will monitor your descent every step of the way.


  • www.extremescene.co.za
    • This organization offers a wide variety of extreme adventures and activities in Cape Town and they are very experienced. They offer tandem skydiving because this allows for a more personal experience with the skydiving professional and the first time jumper. What is handy is that they are not far out of Cape Town, a total of a 40-minute drive. Your jumping height will be approximately 9,000ft and then you get to take in all of Cape Town and more in this wonderful experience.


Being a beginner and looking at skydiving in Cape Town is no longer a scary option as there are several really qualified and experienced companies to assist you.